Fact 65: Why are mince pies called mince pies? The reason is because they originally were made with the mince meat being mutton (sheep), beef, rabbit, pork and game birds (turkeys, chickens, quail, pheasant etc) as mince because Mincemeat was originally the easiest ways to preserving meat. Mince pies date back to Middle Ages however they have changed alot. In 1413 King Henry V (5th) was served mince pie made with a bird mince, spices with boiled eggs and spices, which were rare, expensive and extravagant ingredients for April 9 1413 (his coronation). Putting mince meat in mince pies was either faded out or just stopped sometime in the late victorian era. Today the mince pies is filled with a mixture of dried fruit such as currants, raisins and figs, this is mixed with fresh thinly chopped brambley apple and orange zest and lemon juice and spices, the spices are cinnamon, cloves, ginger and nutmeg with sugar this is called Mincemeat and used to fill mince pies. Mince pies recipe T...