Fact 77: What happens to adult male reindeers antlers in winter?

 Fact 77: What happens to adult male reindeers antlers in winter?

First things first, antlers are large branches of bone however horns are often curved and pointy bone with a strong coating of keratin.

human fingernails contain keratin more more specificall (just) the  nail plate is made of  keratin. The nail plat is the bit  in between the nail edge known as the free edge and the fingernail moon at the start of the fingernails this is known as the lunula, lunula is Latin for little moon. 

Now back to the actual fact!

Fact 77: What happens to adult male reindeers antlers in winter?

The short answer is the male reindeers antlers fall off.

This is the slightly longer version!

In order for male reindeers to first start growing antlers they need to have enough testosterone for the antlers to fully grow. After their antler are fully grown they will be shedding in November and December (one or the other not both) and regrow in February as antler nubs (very small points on their heads). This process happens annually. This Fact means technically Santa's reindeers are all female because female reindeers don't shed their antlers in winter,  instead female reindeers shed their antlers  in May.

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