Fact 141: Who invented the first telescope?

Fact 141: Who invented the first telescope?

The person who first created the telescope wasn't Galileo Galilei (Italian) in 1609 it was in fact Hans Lippershey who was a Dutch glasses maker and had a glasses shop, his telescope was made in 1608 however someone else whose name was Jacob (or James) Metius (who is also Dutch and a Lenz, glasses maker) he made his telescope in 1608 a few weeks after Hans Lippershey, and zacharias janssen (yes he was also Dutch) is thought to have created his compund microscope/or telescope, sometime between 1590 and 1618, basically, he created a microscope that used a telescope for the magnification, however, however these dates were only mentioned 20 years after his death by his son so the dates are unreliable and technically it is a compund microscope so you could argue it doesn't count, until you see a picture.

    *This image is of Galileo Galilei.

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