Fact 76: Can reindeers eat carrots?

Fact 76: Can reindeers eat carrots?

No is the short answer.
The slightly longer version is no because reindeers don't have any incisor teeth on their upper jaw , incisor teeth.  
Incisors teeth are the four front teeth humans have on both the upper and lower jaw these are used to bite into food because reindeers don't have any upper incisor teeth instead they have what is called a Dental pad this means they would struggle to bite into a carrot and reindeers would also struggle to digest a carrot. Carrots are also not apart of a reindeers natural diet.

Reindeers can however eat Christmas trees, christmas trees are also a great source of enrichment. 
This is according to Berlin Zoo (in Germany), reindeers and other animals including Elephants at Berlin Zoo are fed unsold Christmas trees.
 Reindeers enjoy eat the christmas trees. Reindeers also enjoy play with the christmas trees by lifting the christmas tree with there antlers and throwing them on the ground. 

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