Fact 97: Did Albert Einstein like wearing socks? No because when he was a boy his big toe kept making a hole in his socks which Einstein found uncomfortable so Einstein disided to not wear socks however he did keep wearing shoes and unsurprisingly seemed to prefer shoes which didn't show his lack of socks. We know this because Einstein wrote in a letter to his wife Elsa while on trip to Oxford, Einstein wrote, "I got away without wearing socks, and hid the lack of civilisation in high boots." In Albert Einstein's biography written by Robinson and Walter Isaacson stated "He also once told a neighbour, "I have reached an age when, if someone tells me to wear socks, I don't have to." in the Oxford Science Museum (The Museum of the History of Science), still has on of the chalkboard that Albert Einstein wrote on. Infact I have actually seen it, it is a small chalkboard however the science on it is about, expansion in the universe, which is expressed b...