Fact 90: Is there actually a 50/50 chance that when you flip a coin it will land on heads or tails?

Fact 90: Is there actually a 50/50 chance that when you flip a coin it will land on heads or tails?

The answer is no, is not actually 50/50 it is actually closer to 51/49 this is because the way  most coins are made means that the head side is slightly heavier so there is more of a chance that it will land on tail. Also if you flip a coin there is also a 51% chance it will land on the side it started on (so if heads if facing up it will most likely land on heads and vice-a-versa. It is also to do with compacted physics and how most people flip a coin and the force used by the person who flips the coin is normally the same as the falling force so it will most likely land on the side it started on.

49% is the chance it will land on the opposite side than the side it was flipped from (tails is the is flip and head side lands upright). 

I would actually recommend that in the future you should shuffle a deck of cards and try to draw an ace (randomly) the chance of doing this is 1in13 also known as 0.08and 4/52, 52 cards in a deck and only 4 aces, this is not actually affected by shuffling because the odds are still the same if you don't shuffle the deck of cards.

A new deck is normally in order the recommendation is to shuffle the deck 8 time using different types shuffles each time the the possibilitys of randomly shuffling a deck of 52 cards with all the possibilitys are 8 with 67 '0' ( the 67 zeros are after the 8) this is known as 52 factorial (and is written as 52!).

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