Fact 96: What was Napoleon's embarrassing attack in 1807?

Fact 96: What was Napoleon's embarrassing attack in 1807?

The answer will definitely surprise you to know that Napoleon Bonaparte was attacked by rabbits, not wild rabbit,  but tame rabbits, the Oxford English dictionary states that tame means "not dangerous or frightened of people. 

This happened in 1807 just after the the treaties of Tilsit was signed which was a peace treaties signed by Napoleon and Alexander I of Russia. Napoleon and Alexander I of Russia signed the peace treaty on 7th July and the 9th July, 1807 which marked the end of a battle between the French Empire (Napoleon) and Imperial Russia (Alexander I). 
To celebrate the signing of the treaties Napoleon decided to host a rabbit hunt for the Imperial Court. Napoleon decided to choose  Alexandre Berther, Napoleon chief of staff to organise the rabbit hunt, so Alexandre Berther keen to make a good impression,  and make Napoleon look good.
Alexandre Berther went to a local farm and purchased 3,000 rabbits because he didn't want there to be little or not enough game (game basically means animals used for hunting). Unfortunately all of the 3,000 rabbits were tame, so when they saw a person walking towards them in a hat they didn't run away instead they ran towards the person in the hope of being fed.
Unfortunately the person in question was none other than a 5 feet 6 and a 1/2 inches man called Napoleon Bonaparte (5 feet 6 and a 1/2 inches was actually very tall in those days). 
Napoleon Bonaparte was over powered unsurprisingly, (it is unsurprising because of how many rabbits they were I am not say rabbits attacking Napoleon is isn't surprising because it is especially) by 3,000 rabbits. 
Napoleon had to try and fight of these rabbits by him self because the hunting could do nothing to stop them and so Napoleon had to run back to his carriage while still being chased by 3,000 hungry rabbits (obviously some of the rabbits were still clinging to Napoleon)!
Napoleon's servants on the carriage tried to thrash the rabbits with the horses whips. 
Napoleon then sped off in his coach embarrassed and humiliated.

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