Fact 92: Does counting sheep actually work as a helpful way to get to sleep?

Fact 92: Does counting sheep actually work as a helpful way to get to sleep?

The short answer is No!
Also the NHS recommends you don't go on your phone (or other device) "1 hour" before you go to bed because the light from your phone can effect your sleep even with blue light turned on. 

The slightly longer answer involving additional information is, no it doesn't help because your brain is affectively working more and actually this makes you stay awake for longer tying to work out the next number in the sequence and picture imaginary sheep at the same time and it is boring.
The research was carried out by Oxford University, found out that counting sheep was to boring and so it was not a good distraction techniques for sleep the reasoning is if you think about sleep to much you will not fall asleep. 
The Oxford University study was on people with insomnia and which distraction techniques work best(unfortunately I couldn't find any other distraction techniques.

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