Fact 256: What is an Eagle's wingspan and lifespan in the wild?

Fact 256: What is an Eagle's wingspan and lifespan in the wild?

Here is a lis of diffrent types of Eagle Wingspans and lifespan in the wild.

Bald eagle wingspan is: 1.8-2.3m.
Bald Eagle lifespan is: 20 – 30 years.

Golden eagle wingspan is: 1.8-2.3 m.
Golden eagle lifespan is: 30 years.

White-tailed eagle wingspan is: 1.8-2.4m.
White-tailed lifespan is: 21 years – 25 years although the oldest recorded White-tailed Eagle was 32 years old.

Steller's sea eagle wingspan is: 2-2.5 m.
Steller's sea eagle lifespan is: 20-25 years.

Crowned eagle wingspan is: 1.5-1.8m
Crowned eagle lifespan is: 14 years.

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