Fact 239: What does IQ (test) stand for?
Fact 239: What does IQ (test) stand for?
Iq satands for intelligence quotient (test), originally IQ was obrivated from the German word Intelligenzquotient (this is what Alfred Binet called his test and obrevated IQ from, Intelligenzquotient helpfully translates to intelligence quotient, the Iq test was invented in France by Alfred Binet and Theodore Simon, the IQ test was originally designed and created to work out which students needed extra support in Afred Biiet's class in 1904.
According to Binet, an individual's score can vary (this means that Brinet himself didn't think that his test was reliable although it wasnt designed to be reliable it was supposed to be a helpful guide to help the students in his class) and in other words Binet himself didn't believe that his test measured a permanent or exact degree or measurement of a persons intelligence.