Fact 210: Who was the shortest reigning adult Queen of England?

Fact 210: Who was the shortest reigning adult English Queen?

The answer is definitely not Mary I whos hight was 5 foot 5 inches or Elizabeth I whos hight was 5 foot 3 inches or 5 foot 5 and the next Queen is Queen Mary II whos hight was (5 foot 11 inches I unfortunately couldn't find out Queen Anne Stuart's hight (I look everywhere on the Internet), the next qeen is queen Victoria who's hight was 5 ft (it is thought that she probably shrunk 2 inches in her old age, the next qeen of england is the late Queen Elizabeth II whos hight was 5 foot 4 inches.
So the shortest adult reigning Queen of england is probably Queen Victoria!
Lady Jane Grey (10th to the 19th July 1553) Hight I couldn't find and wasn't and adult when she waa Queen because she was sixteen.

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