Fact 204: Is the word twee a real word?

Fact 204: Is the word twee a real word?

The answer is yes twee is a real word British word(which I found by chance in a Collins dictionary).
Despite what you might think it is not a funny way to say tree like a baby, instead the word twee comes from an early 20th century baby (English) mispronunciation for the word sweet and means that something is pretty or sentimental in a way that you think is excessive or silly, or nicely sweet or quaint, although now a days it is usually used as a negative way to describe something that is to sweet or sickly sweet (excessively sweet that it is bad).(yeah this word has more than one meaning Although the word is not normally used unless you are a professional wine taster or a fancy film critics in which case it is used negatively (according to an article I read about the word)

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