Fact 123: Can you name a whale that is good at killing other animals?

Fact 123: Can you name a whale that is good at killing other animals?

Now I have done some research and I have chosen some whales i that are good at killing other animals. The whales that I have chosen are, Beluga whales (34 teeth) because they hunt in a packs to kill fish and the sperm whales (20 to 26 teeth only on their lower jaw) because they can actually eat squid by vacuuming in a squid into there mouths from about three feet away. 

I have also chosen the Narwhales because acouding to Canadian scientists Narwhales have been know to actually use there long tooth or tusk on there head to hunt other animals and they eat acouding to the NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) Narwhales eat "Greenland halibut, polar and Arctic cod, shrimp, and Gonatus squid". Narwhales are unusual because they are apart of the odontocete or toothed whale and yet they have basically no teeth except for the one tooth sticking out there head, so technically they have one.

 I haven't chosen the Blue whales because it just eat lots of krill (about 12% of its own body weight) I personally do not think this means they are good at killing animals they just simply open their mouths and swim towards a school of krill and then they swallow the krill. 

I haven't chosen the whale shark because "Whale sharks are not whales, they are sharks"- according to the WWF (World Wildlife Fund). 

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