Fact 49: What is the oldest trick in the scroll?
Fact 49: What is the oldest trick in the scroll?
The oldest magic trick in the scroll was preformed by *Dedi*, Dedi was able to pull the head off a goose, a duck and an ox and putt the head back on the animal and the animal didn't die in the process!
The scroll is called the Westcar Papyrus it is a papyrus scroll in 3 parts, it was originally in 2 parts but at some point (we don't know when or why) it was separated (cut) into 3 parts. It was a trick preformed by a famous Ancient Egyptians magician called Dedi.
*Dedi also preformed the oldest trick on the wall tthis was the cup and ball trick both the the cup and to some extent the bird (ducks or sometimes doves) trick are preformed still today?*