
Showing posts from October, 2022

Fact 25: Why do people do pumpkin carving at Halloween?

Fact 25: Why do people do pumpkin carving at Halloween? The reason people started carving vegetables by making them into jack-o'-lanterns at Halloween time began in Ireland interestingly they didn't carve pumpkins until later when the tradition moved to America this is the shortened version.  The longer version is that In the 19th century, turnips or mangel wurzels , these were hollowed out to act as lanterns and often carved with grotesque (means ugly or distorted) faces. This is because of an Irish myth about a person called Stingy Jack . The story basically goes, he  tricked the Devil to basically to gain drink and food by getting the Devil to turn into money. When Jack died, God didn’t allow him into heaven, and the Devil didn’t let him into hell, so Jack was forced to roam the earth for eternity. Because of this Irish people started to carve demon like faces out of turnips to frighten away Jack’s wandering soul. When Irish immigrants moved to the America, they began carvi...

Fact 24: How did the vampire bat get its name?

Fact 24: How did you vampire bat get its name? The bats was named after vampires, not the other way around. Vampire myth exist in different cultures all around the world way before vampire bats got their name.  The word vampire comes  from the German word vampir of the same meaning however there translation is dead person who preys on the living. Scientists figure out how vampire bats got there taste for blood from.  They compared the genomes of common vampire bats (Desmodus rotundus) to 26 other bat species and identified 13 genes that are missing or no longer work in vampire bats. Over the years, those gene changes have helped them adapt to a blood diet.  This means vampire bats can survive on a diet of just blood. Scientists think the vampire bats lose of genes was a gradual process over millions of years. Scientists have observed that if vampire bats (Desmodus Rotundus)can't find blood for two nights in a row, they’ll die. But some vampire bats seem to be generou...

Fact 23: How many Hamster species are there?

Fact 23: How many Hamster species are there? The answer is There are 24 hamster species. Out of the 24 hamster species only five of those are pet hamster species, Syrian Hamster and the other four species are all dwarf hamsters, which are the Campbell's Russian Hamster, the Winter White Hamster, the Roborovskii's Hamster, and the Chinese Hamster.

Fact 22: How long are Olympic swimming pool?

Fact 22: How long are Olympic swimming pool? The answer 50 metres and 2 centimetres. There is an additional 1cm at each end. The swimmer still travels 50 metres. The reason why they have an extra 1 cm at each end of the pool is because of the jumping in board (the launch pad were they jump in to the water) and the touch pad are 1 centimetre over the edge of water so they added 2cm to the pool.

Fact 21: How many Lego figures (people) are there in the world?

Fact 21: How many Lego figures (people) are there in the world? There are about 4 billion LEGO people in the world. The world population (of real people) at the time of reaching this is 7.98 Billion  7.98 billion-4 billion=380900000000. There are only three billion nine hundred eighty million more real people than Lego people in the world. 7.98 billion÷2= three billion nine hundred ninety million.   4 billion-three billion nine hundred ninety million =ten million more than half the population of real people.

Fact 20: How many lego bricks are there in the world (2022)?

Fact 20: How many lego bricks are there in the world (2022)? There are 400 billion LEGO bricks in the world. To put that into perspective if you Stacked together all the bricks the tower will be 2,386,065 miles tall, which is ten times higher than the moon.  Also each year Lego manufactures (makes) 36 billion pieces every year. There are 365 days in a year so 36 billion divide by 365, that comes to ninety-eight million six hundred thirty thousand one hundred thirty-seven pieces a day,  and if we divide that by 24  you get four million one hundred nine thousand five hundred ninety every hour. Yes I did spend about half an hour working out the maths and yes I have checked it twice!

Fact 19: How many beans are in a tin of heinzs baked beans?

Fact 19: How many beans are in a tin of heinzs baked beans? This answer is an average if you open a baked beans can and there isn't this amount don't be surprised. Now I also want to say this is a standard 415g can of baked beans different tins/cans, brands and sizes will not have the same amount. With all of that in mind the answer is 465 beans.

Fact 18: How many elements are in strand of human hair?

Fact 18: How many elements are in strand of human hair?  The answer is there are 14 elements in each strand of human hair, this includes gold. Hair is 50% carbon, 21% oxygen, 17% nitrogen, 6% hydrogen, and 5% sulphur. Darker hair tends to have more carbon than lighter hair.

Fact17: What did Cowboys call the rope they used to catch animals with?

Fact 17: What did Cowboys call the rope they used to catch animals with? The answer is they called it a rope. Films and books called them lassos, Cowboys also never called it a lasso. Films and books used the word lasso because of the Spanish word laso which means snare because the Spanish and Americans used the rope in the same way. The Americans also didn't refer to the act of using rope to catch an animal with rope lassoing they called it roping. Lassos weren't invented by the wild west the ancient Egyptians used them to capture antelopes and wild ox. interestingly the ancient Egyptians didn't do lassoing on horseback they stood on the ground and hide behind bushes to catch there animal by.

Fact 16: what is the Surface area of mars?

Fact16: what is the Surface area of mars? The answer is144.8 million km²  This is 3.65300 ×10 14  m² more than Earth because Earth's Surface area is 510.1 million km²

fact 15: How long did it take to give a scientific name to the Galapagos giant turtle?

Fact 15: How long did it take to give a scientific name to the Galapagos giant turtle? This answer may surprise you to know that it took about 300 years to give a scientific name to the Galapagos giant turtle because failure to deliver just one the turtle to Europe. This probably wasn't helped by Charles Darwin eating one and realising they were really tasty. The giant turtle is now a protected species and the Galapagos islands is now basically a nature reserve.

fact 14: where was the first coin made and used in the world.

 Fact 14: where was the first coin made and used in the world. Now, this may surprise you to know that the first coin was made in  Lydians this is a  kingdom with links to ancient Greece and is now located in modern-day Turkey . it was made  around 600 B.C. Now the first coin made in Rome was in 400 B.C. This is an extra fact 14 1/2: How many bank notes are there in circulation printed by the bank of England? I think this is an interesting fact. This answer may surprise you to know that t here are over 4.7 billion Bank of England notes in circulation. Together they are worth about £82 billion.

Fact 13: how much water there in the world?

   Fact 13: how much water is there in the world? Now this answer may surprise you to know that this o ne estimate of global amount water  according to this   documant    on page 27  and  NASA  and  Water Science School   which state that this is only an estimate say there is about  332.5 million mi 3            Water  source    :  Water volume, in cubic miles Oceans, Seas, & Bays  :  321,000,000 Ice caps, Glaciers, & Permanent Snow :  5,773,000 Groundwater  :  5,614,000 Fresh :  2,526,000 Saline  (is  a mixture of salt and water):  3,088,000 Soil Moisture (water in the soil)  :  3,959 Ground Ice & Permafrost :  71,970 Lakes  :  42,320 Fresh  :  21,830 Saline :  20,490 Atmosphere  :  3,095 Swamp Water :  2,752 Rivers  :  509 Biological Water  :  269...

fact 12: if you hear a car alarm what is the percentage that the car is being stolen or broken into?

Fact 12: if you hear a car alarm what is the percentage that the car is being stolen or broken into? This may surprise you to know that if you hear a car alarm the percentage that the car is being stolen or broken into is only five percent.  Also the percentage that the car alarm does go off if your car is being broken into or stolen is only 1% anyway. The 2nd sentence doesn't have great odds!  The first sentence is slightly better!

Fact 11: what was the first animal to be Domesticated.

 Fact 11: what was the first animal to be Domesticated.  Now the answer is the dog, the lovely creatures, that are descended from an extinct common ancestor of the wolve. The dog was first domesticated 15,000 years ago by our hunter gathering ancestors this before the development of agriculture and farming.  There are 350 recognised species of dog this is according to the World Canine Organisation in 2021.   

fact 10: what is one of the oldest words in the English language.

Fact 10: what is one of the oldest words in the English language.  Now this answer may surprise you to know that one of the oldest words in the English language is the word old, this is   according to a 2009 study by researchers at Reading University. 

Fact 9: How can a snake swallow big prey?

Fact 9: How can a snake swallow big prey? Now this answer may surprise you to know that they don't dislocate their jaw because the jaws are not fused together by bone but the bottom jaw is connected to the skull on both sides at the rear by the quadrate bone this aids the jaws flexibility without unhinging. Now the lower bit of the jaw is split in two and connected by one stretchy ligament, so they can open their jaw really wide and this allows the jaw to stretch outward and move independently.  This helps and means snakes can swallow big prey. Teeth-related facts . Teeth fact.

fact 8: how many different species of frogs go ribbit?

Fact 8: how many different species of frogs go ribbit? Now this answer may surprise you to know that only one species of frogs go ribbit. This one species can only be located in Hollywood!  The reason we think all frogs go ribbit is because Hollywood used this frog as the sound effects for frogs in films and jungle noise.

fact 7: Where does the word map come from?

Fact 7: Where does the word map come from? The word map comes from the word Mappa totius mundi this is medieval (old) Latin meaning map of the whole world and word Mappa mundi is the shortened version.  The word Mappa translates to cloth or even napkin and the word mundi translates to the world, so it basically means cloth of the world. The old Roman (Latin) word for Mappa totius mundi means map of the whole world.   Now the french word for map is mappemonde. The middle English word for map was mappemond. Mappemond is  influenced by the  Roman Empire 1700 and later by the french Norman's in 1066.  The french were also influenced by the  Roman Empire.  The English (Britain) at some point shortened the word mappemond to map.  

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Fact 6: Who first ate frog legs?

Fact 6: Who first ate frog legs? Now this answer may surprise you to know that it is not the french who first ate it in fact they were first eaten in England between 7596 BC and 6250 BC, according to the Natural History museums after a team of archaeologists lead by David lawson Jacques OBE found frog leg remains that had been cooked and eaten the natural history museum there is evidence on the bones that show it was cooked and eaten. Now the interesting thing is that the frog legs that were found are 8,000 years before the French ever started eating them. The French first ate frogs in the 12 century. The reason is that cunning monks decided to class frogs as fish because they could only eat fish during lent. The reason why British people ate frogs isn’t documented however David Lawson Jacques OBE said in an interview with the Guardian “ There were really rich food resources for people and they were eating everything that moved…”.  Today in France they eat 80 million frogs every y...

fact 5: What is the pumpkin, is it a fruit or vegetable?

Fact 5: What is the pumpkin, is it a fruit or vegetable? Now this answer may surprise some people to know that it's not a fruit or vegetable it's a berry. Now this surprised me, I thought like most people it must be a fruit or vegetable so there we go we learn something new every day! The banana, pumpkin, avocado and cucumber are all berries.

fact 4 and fact 4 1/2

Fact 4: Why was the Colosseum called the Colosseum? Now this answer may surprise some people to know that it's not to do with its size. Although it is really big, in fact, it can hold 80,000 spectators (people who watch the events), the Romans called it the 'Flavian Amphitheatre. In fact, no one called it the 'Colosseum' until AD 1000, which was after the Roman Empire. The word 'colossal' comes from the Greek word kolossos, which means a larger-than-life statue. This is because, right up until the early Middle Ages, there was a 100-foot bronze statue of Emperor Nero stood outside the Flavian Amphitheatre, so it is because of the 100-foot bronze statue of Emperor Nero that the Colosseum got its name. Fact 4 1/2: How many people could fit into the amphitheatre in Nîmes (France). Now this answer may surprise some people to know that the Nîmes Arena could seat up to 24,000 people.( I have been and it is really worth visiting.)

Fact 3: what will HMS BELFAST hit if the forward-facing guns were fired?

Fact 3: what will HMS BELFAST hit if the forward-facing guns were fired? Now this answer may surprise some people to know that the forward-facing guns of HMS Belfast are permanently positioned to score a direct hit on the London Gateway service station at Scratchwood.

Fact 2: What animal has the most amount of teeth?

Fact 2: What animal has the most amount of teeth? Now this  answer may surprise some people to know that the animal with the most amount of teeth is not a shark which had 350 teeth (50 rows of teeth with 7 teeth in each row). This animal has even more than that. The answer is a slug with an amazing 27,000 teeth! Now for anyone who wants to check this answer the Internet (Google) will tell you it is a garden snail however the garden snail has 20,000 teeth which is still impressive but the slug has more.  Teeth fact Teeth facts

FACT 1: where is the worlds tallest pyramid?

   Fact 1: where is the worlds tallest pyramid? Now this answer may surprise some people to know that the world tallest pyramid is in Mexico. It can be found in the Mexico state of Puebla. The pyramid is called the Great Pyramid of Cholula but hidden beneath a hill. The pyramid measures 400 by 400 metres and has a total volume of 4.45 million cubic metres, almost twice that of the Great Pyramid of Giza.