Fact 6: Who first ate frog legs?
Fact 6: Who first ate frog legs?
Now this answer may surprise you to know that it is not the french who first ate it in fact they were first eaten in England between 7596 BC and 6250 BC, according to the Natural History museums after a team of archaeologists lead by David lawson Jacques OBE found frog leg remains that had been cooked and eaten the natural history museum there is evidence on the bones that show it was cooked and eaten. Now the interesting thing is that the frog legs that were found are 8,000 years before the French ever started eating them. The French first ate frogs in the 12 century. The reason is that cunning monks decided to class frogs as fish because they could only eat fish during lent. The reason why British people ate frogs isn’t documented however David Lawson Jacques OBE said in an interview with the Guardian “ There were really rich food resources for people and they were eating everything that moved…”.