fact 7: Where does the word map come from?
Fact 7: Where does the word map come from?
The word map comes from the word Mappa totius mundi this is medieval (old) Latin meaning map of the whole world and word Mappa mundi is the shortened version.
The word Mappa translates to cloth or even napkin and the word mundi translates to the world, so it basically means cloth of the world.
The old Roman (Latin) word for Mappa totius mundi means map of the whole world.
Now the french word for map is mappemonde. The middle English word for map was mappemond. Mappemond is influenced by the Roman Empire 1700 and later by the french Norman's in 1066.
The french were also influenced by the Roman Empire.
The English (Britain) at some point shortened the word mappemond to map.