Fact 348: When did Andy Warhol first create the Marilyn Monroe screen print painting?

Fact 348: When did Andy Warhol first create the Marilyn Monroe screen print painting?

 Andy Warhol made his first Marilyn Monroe screen print painting  in 1962 because after Marilyn Monroe died of an overdose of sleeping pills on the 4th August 1962 the news of Monroe's death inspired Andy Warhol to create his first Marilyn Monroe screen print painting.

Andy Warhol published his complete portfolio for his Marilyn Monroe prints in 1967. It comprises ten *silkscreen prints.

*"silkscreen (printing), also called serigraphy(, serigraphy is a) sophisticated stenciling technique for surface printing, in which a design is cut out of paper or another thin, strong material and then printed by rubbing, rolling, or spraying paint or ink through the cut out areas." (Britannica website, the bits in brackets was me).

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