Fact 287: When did the French revolution start and end?
Fact 287: When did the French revolution start and end?
The French Revolution began on the 5th May 1789 and lasted until 1794 or the 9th November 1799 when Bonaparte appointed himself as France's 'first consul' which marks the start of the Napoleonic era, historians are in a bit a disagreement.
The French revolution happened because France was on the brink of bankruptcy due to their involvement and help in the American Revolution and due to King Louis XVI still extravagantly spending money, this led to the people revolting against King Louis XVI who was executed on the 21st January 1793.
Bonaparte became the First Consul due to a coup he led known as the (bloodless) coup d'état, Pronounced "coo day tah". Napoleon Bonaparte after the coup, basically appointed himself as France's 'first consul' which marked the start of the Napoleonic era.