Fact 265: How many Tigers are there estimated to be left in the wild?
Fact 265: How many Tigers are there estimated to be left in the wild?
According to the WWF there are about 4,500 tigers remain in the wild acouding to WWF as of 2023 this is promising because WWF once said that there were an estimated to be around 3,900 or 4,500 tigers left in the wild, Tigers are an endangered species and on the brink of extinction.
Over the last 150 years or so, the tigers' habit has shrunk by about 95% due to humans illegally poaching them and destruction of tiger habits by humans for timber (wood), agriculture (farming of crops and animals for humans to eat), roads and building. Humans are the biggest threat posed to tigers (all of the numbers in this paragraph are from the WWF website).
Tigers can reach a top speed from 35 to 40 miles per hour however, tigers can only run at this speed for short bursts.
Tigers hunting for food ending in a Kill in a percentage is about 5% or 10%.
According to observation made in Kanha National Park in India by the American field biologist George Schaller tigers have a 5% kill rate when hunting, on the other hand the tiger conservationist Valmik Thapar estimates that tigers have a 10% kill rate (the percentage is out of 100%).