Fact 263: How powerful is a Bloodhounds sense of smell?

Fact 263: How powerful is a Bloodhounds sense of smell?

A Bloodhound's nose have about 230 or 300 million olfactory cells, or “scent receptors” in their nose.
Bloodhounds can actually distinguish the difference between a 12-day-old scent from newer, fresher scents, and Bloodhounds can track a Scents trail that is around 12 days old for more than 130 miles!

 Bloodhound's have over 300 million scent receptors, which is more than any other breed of dog and to put 300 million in to some sort of context we have around 400 olfactory receptors “scent receptors” in they nose. 300 million- 400= 299999600
Bloodhounds have 299999600 more olfactory receptors or “scent receptors” than we do.

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