Fact 242: On average what is the circumference of a big watermelon?
Fact 242: On average what is the circumference of a big watermelon?
On average, a big watermelon can be anywhere between ten and twelve inches in circumference and between twelve and sixteen inches long in diameter.
Watermelons that grow naturally in the wild grow up to 20 cm in diameter, where as cultivated-ly grown or farm grown with pesticides and other stuff can actually exceed 60 cm.
Interestingly average American grown watermelons has about 200 to 800 seeds in side.
On average a watermelon is 92% water.
Watermelons can be grow in the UK but they will only produce and ripe fruit in high temperatures, watermelons can be successfully (appropriately) grown in a polytunnel (basically a polytunnel is a long white heat trapping tunnel that farmers use to grow crops) or greenhouse (good luck).