Fact 198 How many plays and poems did Shakespeare write?

Fact 198 How many plays and poems did Shakespeare write?

According to the British Library Between about 1590 and 1613, Shakespeare wrote at least (or possibly more than) 37 plays Shakespeare only wrote 4 poems.

Just a "little" context behind this fact, William Shakespeare died on the 23 April 1616 and was also thought to have been born on the 23rd of April in 1564 this is because we know Shakespeare was baptised Gulielmus filius Johannes Shakspere (which is Latin for William son of John Shakespeare) on the Wednesday 26th of April 1564 and in Tutor times three days would have been a normal\ typical gap between being born and being baptised, this is why the 23rd of April has also become the day to celebrate Shakespeare's birth and death. 

Also happy St George's Day (even though St George isn't even English, St George was actually born in Cappadocia, Turkey and there is no evidence that he has ever been to England ever but he is still the patron Saint)!

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