Fact 180: Is there a plant scientifically named after Darth Vader?
Fact 180: Is there a plant scientifically named after Darth Vader?
The answer is yes, there is a type of Begonia whose scientific name is Begonia darthvaderiana which is common name (unscientific name) is (the) Darth Vader Begonia the planet is named after Darth Vader (from star wars) because the leaves of the planet resembles the black colour of Darth vader's costume, (basically Darth Vader wares black and the planet is black).
The maximum height of the Begonia darthvaderiana is 70 cm.
The name was chosen by two botanists called C.W. Lin and C.I Peng.
C.W. Lin and C.I Peng discovered the Darth Vader Begonia in 2014 in Sarawak, on the island of Borneo (the island of Borneo is 743,330 km²).