Fact 138: Do trees fart?

Fact 138: Do trees fart?

Yes they do, in the sense that trees release methane from their trunks, now this is fine if the tree is alive and well because of photosynthesis the tree's leaves will offset the methane gase, however ghost trees (dead trees) don't offset the methane that is created, scientists don't fully understand how or why the trees create methane, however this is a problem because the mean course of dead trees is salt water in the soil because of rising sea levels and as sea levels rise more trees will die as a result of the salt in the soil, it is likely that as sea levels rise entire forests could be wiped out in fact there are already about five ghost forests on the Albemarle-Pamlico Peninsula in North Carolina.
And all of others trees in the forests are still releasing tree farts (methane) this is really bad for climate change because methane is a greenhouse gas, this means basically the build up of the gas in the atmosphere, acts like a greenhouse and this is making Earth hotter and this has a massive impact on climate change which means sea levels are more likely to rise because of ice melting.

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