Fact 127: Was a pirate Captain ever out voted as Captain by his own crew?

Fact 127: Was a pirate Captain ever out voted as Captain by his own crew?

Yes, there was a pirate Captain that was actually out voted as captain by his own crew in the summer of 1716. The pirate Captain was called Benjamin Hornigold and he was out voted as captain by his own crew and he was apparently put in a boat (like a small rowing) boat which was tied-up behind the ship, the crew elected a another pirate called Samuel Bellamy as Captain. Benjamin Hornigold is probably most famous for being Blackbeard's mentor and the person who trained Blackbeard, in other words Blackbeard was Hornigold's second in comarnd and right hand man.

 This was not necessarily Benjamin Hornigold. It was the only good copyright free image I could find 

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