Fact 119: What is the difference between an Alligator and a Crocodile?
Fact 119: What is the difference between an alligator and a crocodile?
The main difference is the snout (nose and mouth and in this scenario the front) of the alligator and the crocodile are different because the alligator has a curved snout (often referred to as a U-shaped snout) and the crocodile have a pointy snout (often referred to an A-shaped snout).
The other difference which, if you are able to identify, if it is a crocodile or an alligator from this, then it is probably time to run, is the number of teeth they have because crocodiles have between 60 and 70 teeth and alligators have 80 teeth.
The other difference is that alligators prefer fresh water and crocodiles prefer salty water or slightly salty water (brackish water).
Technically Lyle, from Lyle Lyle crocodile, is actually an Alligator, not a crocodile because the snout is u-shaped and Lyle likes to bathe in fresh water (in a bath).