Hello and welcome to my blog I recently started doing animation on my computer and stop-start animation with my phone I hope that you like the video and share it with your friends and subscribe.
I went to London in the summer holiday
and decided to write about it because a short "story"(i think it may be too short to be called a story)
Me in London
I can hear the rushing of people which even in Hyde Park on a Summers morning resembles that of train satiation in the rush hour because everyone is trying to get to some were quick. Ther are people having awkward interactions on paths and pavements because, one person wants to go left so goes right to try and avoid the other person, whereas the latter seems only to follow, the other person as if they are a south-facing magnet, and the other person is a north facing magnet. As I‘m sure you could imagen this only stops when one person agrees, to let them through. Never to see each other again and subsequently get lost in a crowd. People playing in the field and even in the rain everyone is on their phone as if they are playing Pokémon go.
I can hear and smell the cars I find in city's there are 3 types of driver 1. is blaring music the 2.is a safe driver 3.is loud engine. The first will do everything in the mind to inshore
You listen to their music even if it could make them go deaf by should of it.
The second is safe and is a good driver e.g. you cannot hear the music they have quite a quiet engine.
As the 3 has a really loud engine and even some time you can hear their music.
by The Mini Mask man and cool stuff